I'm a software engineer living in Seattle with expertise in custom, creative, tactile frontend experiences. View my proudest professional work at AWOL in P-Town, an interactive giga-pixel hidden image game promoting a feature film. I engineered and implemented the tiling, pan, and zoom system from scratch.
My career started with three years working at Google. I built front-end tools for large scale human computation and information curation on the Knowledge Graph team. I left Google to free lance on my own. I spent four years teaching at programming boot camp schools creating curriculum, lecturing, and guiding student projects. I've reentered engineering roles working as a senior software engineer at Apple, Convoy, and TrueMedia. I've continued to build effective front-end experiences and especially been involved in migrations converting code from Java to GoLang, and code from JavaScript to TypeScript.
I have experience with servers, databases, and PHP. I've maintained PHP backend systems for Northwest Agricultural Consultants at nwag.com for 10 years.
I'm looking for a role to continue developing my expertise as a front-end engineer and leading effective teams.
In my spare time I'm actively writing Learn Programming Programming Board Games. I love how writing forces introspection and refinement. I aim for the book to be an enjoyable read for people with zero or any level of programming experience. The book focuses on explaining concepts and ideas more than just showing source code.
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Bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Washington |
Sep 2007 - June 2012 |
•Data Structures, Algorithms, Networks, Programming Languages, Distributed Systems, Databases.
•Served as ACM Club Treasurer, managed department funds, managed profitable student snack store.
•4th place ACM team programming contest, three-time Yahoo! Hack U team hackathon participant.
•Received Community Service Award for continually helping to organize, run and clean up department events.
Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, Julia, Rust, Bash
Technologies: vim, git, React, Node, Android, Django, Rails, Angular, PostGres, MySQL, GraphQL
TrueMedia.org, Seattle |
2024 |
Sr. Frontend Software Engineer
• Non-partisan non-profit detecting and fighting political AI-manipulated deepfakes.
• Small team led by Oren Etzioni (founding CEO Allen Institude for AI, UW professor)
• Our company earned the GeekWire 2024 awards for "Geeks Give Back"
• I was an author on The Tug-of-War Between Deepfake Generation and Detection
• Web app built with NextJS, Vercel, React, Postgres, S3, Docker, Clerk
• Rolled out a feature building collaborative teams.
• Migrated production users and teams from NextAuth to Clerk
• Oversaw bulk media upload and processing tasks with ~5,000 items
Convoy, Seattle / Remote |
2022 - 2023 |
Sr. Frontend Software Engineer
• Converted React Native application from JavaScript to TypeScript
• Learned trucking industry terminology and logistics
• Worked on Broker Board tool brokers used to see important truck load info
• Built a customer satisfaction survey triggered appearing on various user interactions
• Built a "Reloads" feature to help truckers find loads back toward where they came from
Apple, Seattle / Remote |
2020 - 2022 |
AI/ML Sr. Software Engineer, Movies & TV
• Developed and maintained features on iOS, tvOS, Mac and Homepod using Swift and Golang.
• Developed new features working with multiple teams and against deadlines.
• Triaged new bugs and monitored production systems during on-call rotations.
Google, Seattle / London / San Francisco |
2010 - 2013 |
Software Engineering for Webmaster Tools, Android Search, Knowledge Graph teams.
•Webmaster Tools: created multiple inboxes, starred messages, visualizing Site Alerts.
•Android Search: prototyped rich native search experiences for new Android tablet OS.
•Knowledge Graph: massive distributed "human computation" data collection and verification.
Moby: Expert Web and Mobile Development, Seattle |
2014 - 2015 |
Software Engineer
•Used Angular, Bootstrap, Kendo and C# to build richly interactive web sites for clients.
•Prototyped experimental video web app using Ruby on Rails, and YouTube and Vimeo APIs.
•Implemented UX designs. Maintained automated tests. Coordinated complicated git merges.
&yet Web Design, Richland, WA |
2008 - 2009 & 2015 |
Web Developer, Event Coordinator
•Created a customizable customer contact system soon used across many different sites.
•Coded with Django, PHP, JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
•Managed audiovisual booth during Realtime Conference.
AWOL in |
2013 - 2014 |
Lead Programmer,
• Created a custom interactive panoramic picture viewer, serving tiles from a 40 GB image.
• Worked with Robyn Miller, co-creator of the once best-selling video game Myst.
• Coordinated development with a team split across three cities.
• Technologically diverse: Angular, social media APIs, MySQL, Photoshop automation.
The Immortal Augustus Gladstone (Oakland / Spokane) |
2013 |
• Web Developer, http://theimmortalaugustusgladstone.com
• Rich multimedia website, with movies, sound and pictures, built under deadline pressure.
• Dynamically loads YouTube videos using YouTube’s JavaScript API.
• Integration with social media, Mailchimp, VHX, Vimeo, and Gumroad.
Learn Programming Programming Board Games (.com) |
• A book about programming. Focused on creating board games ranging from simple to complex.
• Content covers intro and advanced computer science topics, and practical programming advice.
• Emphasis on conveying ideas preferring written word over written code.
• Topics include: control flow, functions, classes, data structures, programming patterns.
• Games include: Rock-Paper-Scissors, War, Blackjack, Poker, Cribbage, Tic-Tac-Toe,
Connect Four, Checkers, Chess, Go, Risk, Catan, Dominion,
Flatiron School, Seattle |
Lead Instructor
•Simultaneously led up to three full-time classes of students in lectures and labs.
•Founded AutoCompete, a monthly team-based programming contest open to the public.
•Organized efforts around teaching more data structures and algorithms.
•Built lecture material including starter-code and Markdown slides.
•Advised students on portfolio projects and provided emotional support during the program.
Code Fellows, Seattle |
Lead Instructor (Java, Android, JavaScript/Node/React)
•Authored an entire 10 week advanced Java course w/ SpringMVC and Java collections data structures.
•Authored an advanced apprenticeship course w/ concurrency, backtracking, CPU architecture.
•Conducted practice whiteboard interviews and provided helpful professional feedback for students.
•Helped bolster new and improving data structures and algorithms curriculum.
•Participated in panel Q&A discussions about different programming languages for incoming students.
General Assembly, Seattle / Singapore |
Lead Instructor (Web Development, Android, Data Structures & Algorithms)
•Led 12 week immersive courses doing morning/afternoon lectures, labs, and grading assignments.
•Coordinated entire 12 week course schedules with co-instructors, TAs and staff.
•Helped prepare students for interviews by conducting 1:1 whiteboarding sessions.
•Bolstered curriculum with new lecture material and many new practical assignments.
•Added missing fundamental Computer Science topics like Recursion; improved sorting exercises.
•Created 4 weeks of course content entirely replacing Ruby with Python.
•Earned an NPS score of 80 for the course containing my new Python material.
Computer Science and Engineering Department, |
University of Washington, Seattle, WA |
Lead Teaching Assistant, Computer Programming I & II
•Prepared lectures, led
•Led exploratory Python lectures paralleling topics from the regular
•Tutored students
Advent of Code 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
• Participant in the annual Advent of Code daily programming challenge.
• Used 2017 to hone existing ability varying using Java, JavaScript, and Python.
• Used 2018 and 2019 to program in new languages: Julia and Rust
• Used 2020 and 2021 to program in new languages: Swift and Golang
• Real time multiplayer implementation of my favorite board game: Powerboats, a boat racing game.
• Hexagon grid, buoy-rounding detection, human and AI player control, Node, Socket.IO.
• Live version playable at https://powerboats2020.herokuapp.com/
Pomme (a multiplayer free association image game) // http://pomme.us
• Co-programmer, an online real-time image association game, similar to Apples to Apples.
• Adopted existing code base, helped with site redesign, currently helping to maintain the site.
• JavaScript, custom Python server, MySQL, ongoing iPhone and Android development.
N-frame Averager // youtu.be/3VufDIiutNk // github.com/geluso/n_frame_averager
A custom video effect built using Python and FFmpeg. This effect turns every frame of a movie into an average image of the N frames before and after the current frame to produce an experimental "smoothed" look.
FFmpeg Subtitle Scene Extraction // https://github.com/geluso/ffmpeg_subtitle_scene_extraction
An experiment using Python and FFmpeg to process subtitles and extract movie clips. Extracted every hallway scene from Star Trek TNG, and helped me create fun interactive video boards of favorite lines from movies.
Reading, Writing, Mountain Biking, Biking, Bike Polo, Board Games, Science Fiction, Moon Colonization.